Launch of the Greater Ahmedabad Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan and set up of a Mobility Observatory in 3 Indian cities

Ahmedabad, through its membership to MobiliseYourCity, has set an ambitious goal to achieve a 50% reduction in GHG emissions from its urban transport sector by 2050. India's seventh largest city had joined in 2015 this multi-partnership initiative which seeks to support governments in emerging and developing countries in their efforts towards sustainable urban mobility planning.

Following a selection process launched jointly by the French Agency for Development (AFD) and the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC), Transitec in partnership with Suez Consulting, DVDH and the Center for Environmental Planning and Technologies (CEPT), has been selected to develop Ahmedabad's Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP), and set up an urban mobility observatory covering the three Indian cities that have joined the MobiliseYourCity initiative: Ahmedabad, Kochi and Nagpur.  

This process, which shall be completed by December 2022, is being carried out in close collaboration with the Center for Environmental Planning and Technologies (CEPT); a research center of excellence, which has been involved in the deployment of India's first Bus Rapid Transit network in Ahmedabad in 2009. The CEPT is one of the few universities in India to deliver a master's degree in mobility planning.  

With an estimated population of 8.1 million in 2011, the Greater Ahmedabad urban area represents the heart of Gujarat's economy and includes the city of Gandhinagar, the state's political capital. Faced with the challenge of a demographic growth that will bring the city's population to 12.5 million by 2030, the city has launched structural investments which led to the creation of an 89 km-long Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) network since 2009, as well as the inauguration of a first 38km- long MRT line in 2019.

The SUMP should allow for a greater integration of these different means of transportation, to improve their efficiency and accessibility for all residents. The whole process will be co-constructed with local stakeholders and citizens through workshops jointly organized with CEPT. This will allow the team to gather bottom-up information, notably on gender-based mobility issues and road safety concerns. 

MobiliseYourCity in India


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