Back to Cusco (Peru) to develop an ambitious mobility project

The consortium led by Transitec has been selected by the City of Cusco and COPESCO to develop an ambitious mobility project following the studies carried out in 2018-19 for this Peruvian city of 0.5 million inhabitants, rich in history.

The Transitec-DVDH-Transis-Sistema Urbano-Transamo-Bruno Remoué & Associats consortium has been selected by the Municipality of Cusco (MPC) and COPESCO to develop an ambitious urban mobility project. For Transitec, this is a second opportunity to work in Cusco after the accessibility studies for the historic centre (2018 - 2019), which helped to structure a multimodal approach.

The city of Cusco and its surroundings, famous for its history and heritage, present a unique combination of challenges and opportunities. Significant tourist flows (around 3 million tourists per year) are combined with daily mobility that relies mainly on public transport minibuses, taxis and walking. The linear shape of the city, with its historic centre off-centre to the north-west, means that these flows converge and overlap on the main roads, increasing congestion at peak times.

While road infrastructure development is already underway, the project will allow the allocation of space to be reviewed by developing a multimodal vision of mobility at the scale of the conurbation. This will have to reconcile the urgent needs expressed by Peruvian stakeholders with the ambitious prospects for this former capital of the Inca Empire.

Based on their experience in strategic planning, the teams from Transitec and its partners will propose short-term solutions and a long-term action programme to develop urban mobility adapted to the context, which could become an example for other tourist cities. A first mission was organised at the end of August to meet the project partners, better understand their expectations and present the work programme. 

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