Maputo SUMP: scenarios to meet the doubling of mobility by 2035

The Maputo SUMP technical committee met at the Metropolitan Transport Authority on Thursday 23 May to discuss the scenarios (up to 2035) drawn up as part of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan.
On Thursday 23rd May, the Transitec - Transamo consortium presented to the Technical Committee the prospects outlined in the scenarios proposed as part of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP). The Metropolitan Transport Authority (AMT), the agglomeration's municipalities and their partners (Agence Française de Développement, World Bank, JICA) were able to discuss the possible options for meeting the growing demand for travel between now and 2035. With demand for mobility set to double, the aim is to provide the transport infrastructure and services needed to meet the needs of the conurbation, which will have almost 4 million inhabitants by 2035.

Having already embarked on a project to professionalise paratransit and build a 22 km BRT (with $250 million from the World Bank) to be completed by 2030, SUMP will enable the Mozambican authorities to quickly structure a multimodal strategy to meet the needs of the metropolotian area.

Between now and the end of the year, Maputo's SUMP, carried out as part of the MobiliseYourCity initiative with funding from AFD, will propose an action plan along these lines.
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