Nouakchott: a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan to improve accessibility for the poorest

On July 20, Transitec presented the Action Plan of the Nouakchott Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan to Mauritanian urban mobility stakeholders in the presence of the President of the Nouakchott Region and the Secretary General of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport.

On 20 July 2023, Transitec presented the Action Plan of the Nouakchott Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) to Mauritanian urban mobility stakeholders in the presence of Mrs Fatimetou Mint Abdel Malick, President of the Nouakchott Region and Mr Nouey Ould Cheikh Abeidi, Secretary General of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport.

 This planning process, led by the Nouakchott Region, was launched in March 2022 and brings together all the stakeholders involved in the Mauritanian capital's urban transport sector. It follows on from the Urban Development Master Plan adopted in 2018 and aims to define a strategy to meet the growing demand for travel by 2030 and 2040.

 Combining a vision of a multi-polar city with that of multi-modal mobility, the scenario chosen should make it possible to considerably improve accessibility for residents, particularly the poorest households living in the outskirts of the agglomeration.

The action plan presented brings together a range of projects and measures in line with the EASI conceptual framework. It is built around a catalyst project: the creation of a network of Bus with High Level of Service  by 2030, which will be reinforced by Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) after 2030. The SUMP is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than a third by 2040 compared with a business-as-usual scenario.

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