Greater Sousse is moving towards the "15-minutes City”

The current pandemic has contributed to demonstrating the importance of designing our cities differently. As part of the Integrated Urban Development Programme (PDUI) of Sousse, the decisionmakers of Greater Sousse area are considering the future of their metropolitan area based on the concept of the "15-minutes city" and are showing a desire to move from hyper-mobility to hyper-proximity by 2030.

Within the framework of the Urban Mobility Plan (PDU) currently being elaborated, Sousse's decision-makers are moving towards a "very proactive" scenario, which aims to move away from the core-periphery model (Sousse and the other communes) by developing a polycentric city, where each centre serves the daily needs of its inhabitants as far as possible, while being better connected to neighbouring centres.

Sousse political leaders envisage a polycentric structuring of the city to allow for a reorganisation of intra-metropolitan mobility, with the dual objective of reducing the number of kilometres travelled as well as reducing car use to promote active modes. By developing a multimodal mobilty system that combines the use of walking and cycling on a local scale, an efficient public transport system on a metropolitan scale and moderate car use, the area should both meet the mobility needs of its inhabitants and increase its attractiveness for tourists by upgrading its public spaces.

This forward-looking vision contrasts with the current trend, which contributes to the urbanisation of the outskirts of Sousse according to a radio-concentric model and results in a growing motorisation of commuter flows. It emerges within the framework of the Integrated Urban Development Programme of the city of Sousse, which aims to initiate a sustainable urban planning policy, concerned with the environmental and social impact. This integrated approach allows the simultaneous elaboration of a prospective Vision of Greater Sousse, a study of the Revision of the Urban Development Plan and the Urban Mobility Plan. Funded by the Swiss Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and carried out in collaboration with the Ministry of Local Affairs and the Environment (MALE), the PDUI supports the Municipality of Sousse, the project owner of this programme.

Since 2018, the consultants URBAPLAN - TRANSITEC - PLANAIR - INSER - SIDES, as a Consortium, provide technical support to the implementation of the PDUI and are entrusted with the management of the programme's financial resources.

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