Transitec contributes to pedestrian environment improvement in Yaoundé (Cameroon)

Within the framework of a mandate on the improvement of the pedestrian environment in Yaoundé (Cameroon) under the patronage of Ministry for Habitat and Urban Development (MINHDU) and Yaoundé City Council, Transitec conceived and facilitated a training with the authorities and local engineering firms.

These training days, which brought together about 40 people on July 10-11, made it possible to highlight the challenges of walking in a rapidly developing urban environment as well as international best practices. Transitec's technical guide on pedestrian network planning and street design in Yaoundé was also presented.

Transitec will continue its collaboration with the Cameroonian authorities as technical assistant for the development of three pilot projects in accordance with the methodology described in the technical guide. This study is part of the Pedestrian Mobility for Urban Growth Project led by the World Bank with the support of the Korean Green Growth Trust Fund (KGGTF).




Depois da sua constituição em Lausanne, na Suíça, em 1954, a TRANSITEC iniciou um processo de exportação do seu know-how, encontrando-se, agora, presente em França, Bélgica, Portugal, Marrocos e África do Sul. Procurando estar sempre mais próxima dos seus clientes e dos seus parceiros, a empresa multiplicou as agências em alguns dos seus países de implantação (Paris, Berne, Marselha, Estrasburgo e Toulouse).

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