What are the prospects for minibuses as part of the drive to electrify mobility in Africa?

From 11 to 13 June 2023, GIZ organised a regional workshop in Kigali on the electrification of public transport in cities where minibuses are prevalent. Transitec facilitated some discussions on the operational challenges involved in this transition to e-minibuses.
In Europe and Asia, the electrification of mobility is starting with buses, private cars and bicycles. In Africa, motorbike taxis are at the forefront of this change of energy vector. However, the motorised mode of transport that most people in urban areas use to get around on a daily basis is the minibus.

How can we envisage the medium-term electrification of these vehicles, which are currently largely operated by small-scale operators? This was the question that dozens of African decision-makers were invited to answer at a three-day workshop organised by GIZ in partnership with VREF and MobiliseYourCity.

Drawing on its experience of artisanal transport operating models, Transitec was invited to lead discussions between representatives from around ten African countries, with the aim of helping to define scenarios for the countries of East Africa.
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