Chaired by the Director General of CETUD, Mr. Thierno AW, the Technical Committee of the Dakar Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) met to finalise the definition of the mobility strategy for Greater Dakar. The Transitec teams explained the principles that guide the approach and highlighted the main actions of the plan, which seeks to reverse certain current trends for better accessibility and low carbon mobility.
This SUMP initiates a paradigm shift in planning, prioritising actions that have an impact on both transport supply and travel demand. To do this, four pillars support this choice:
- A hierarchy of modes that places walking and cycling in a central role, above public modes and individual motorised modes.
- A structuring of the service offered by public transport with capacity, which implies an ambitious development of a BRT and BHNS network by 2035.
- Traffic management, which must allow the proposed hierarchy to be reflected in the key elements of the multimodal network (roads, junctions, pedestrian crossings).
- A better distribution of public space to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of Dakar.
The SUMP is structured around thirty actions distributed by theme (institutions, multimodal network, active modes, public transport, environmental aspects) and according to a short-, medium- and long-term perspective. A territorialisation of these projects and measures has made it possible to identify the priority actions for implementation. Indeed, one of the objectives of the SUMP is to act immediately to confirm the proposed vision by relying on "quick-wins" which herald the actions to be taken between now and 2035.
The project team for Transitec included Sylvain Guillaume-Gentil, Pablo Salazar-Ferro, Maeva Chew and Julien Allaire.