Intermodality and TOD around BDRL Station, Cape Town (South Africa)

The Blue Downs Rail Link project (BDRL) aims at creating a new railway connection in the Eastern part of Cape Town. The project includes 10km of new line and three new railway stations.
The French Agency for Development and the city of Cape Town entrusted Suez, Transitec and local architects and engineers to lead a study centred on BDRL stations. This study is focused on the development of intermodal hubs and on the urban development within the stations surrounds, to apply the principles of transit oriented development.
Transitec set for each station complex a multimodal accessibility concept and an interchange program, which has been the basis for the precinct and the hub design. Transitec defined the needs in terms intermodality, based on existing transports and routes, as well as planned routes and mobility trends. Transitec also prioritized the multimodal routes to the hub, to define an efficient street network and an appropriate allocation of road space.


South Africa
Cap Town
French Agency for Development and City of Cape Town
Contributors Transitec:
Pauline Zylberblat
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