Approach and method

TRANSITEC is recognized for the strong methodological approach that it brings to its missions. This exhaustive, clear, and technical approach:

  • guarantees both a pragmatic and ambitious take on mobility issues;
  • is at the service of our clients' needs.

Our approach

Mobility management and planning is becoming progressively more complex, as transport users have an increasing range of needs, options and expectations. For decision-makers, these challenges are not easy to resolve, particularly within current financial and economic constraints.

The mission of TRANSITEC is to advise and assist project owners on how to optimise mobility while doing ‘more and better with less’.

Our teams are known for their ability to plan and design (or rely on) appropriate systems and solutions, which include the multiple and complex characteristics of each individual project and area of intervention.

Our method

TRANSITEC provides a service that automatically includes:

  • an independent review of project-relevant best practice, and a search for the most appropriate solution that serves all stakeholders
  • a rigorous approach, which combines technical expertise and cutting-edge tools with a commitment including all stakeholders (through discussion, communication, explanation and teaching)
  • a global approach that takes into account all modes of travel at all planning phases
  • the ability to evaluate and integrate the impact of proposed solutions in a way that minimises costs and negative externalities
  • a continuous ‘reality-check’ to ensure that solutions proposed (from standard to innovative) can in fact be implemented >
  • the anticipation of technical, social, environmental and institutional constraints (including that of governance, financial capacity, and human resources).


TRANSITEC is committed to producing comprehensive reports that clearly communicate with our clients, stakeholders and (non-technical) audiences.

Our many years of training and teaching (particularly within the engineering design office) have honed our ability to produce non-technical materials and high-quality infographics.

These skills are integral to the work of the engineering design office, and are put into practice time and again when we organise and facilitate public meetings, workshops, and other stakeholder events.

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