Spatial planning

Mobility has an impact on the spatial organization of the built environment and the development of infrastructure. Planning urban development today implies being able to anticipate tomorrow's mobility needs and organizing mobility in a functional and efficient manner.

TRANSITEC's vision goes beyond mobility and integrates social, economic and environmental parameters. In partnership with experts from other fields, our firm aims to promote spatial organization schemes reducing the needs for motorized trips.

Spatial planning also has to take mobility needs into account, by finding the right balance between individual and collective interests.

Regional and national planning

At both regional and national levels, the challenge is to develop mobility policies and strategies that support urban and land-use planning and spatial development, and that are integrated with other relevant policies (such as environment and climate.) In this sense, governance structures and institutional arrangements are often determining factors.

This means that thinking has to go beyond infrastructures and must offer multi-modal mobility as a whole.

TRANSITEC has several decades of international experience in the development of transport strategies for urban and peri-urban areas of all sizes. Our approach is to find practical, effective solutions, whether for a low-density peripheral region or for an entire country.

Concept d'accessibilité

Concept d'accessibilité

Brig-Glis, Suisse

Municipal and metropolitan planning

Urban mobility offers an opportunity to find solutions that are creative, innovative and pragmatic. It is no longer enough to develop infrastructure. Tomorrow’s challenges lie in the ability to:

  • optimise current operations and the use of existing networks
  • develop new services
  • have a lasting influence on the behaviour of current and future users.

TRANSITEC is able to work toward achieving these solutions through its outstanding technical skills, but also through its ability to listen and reach consensus among stakeholders. This means that our proposed interventions are long-term ones, with high levels of sustainability.

SCIPA – Etude de mobilité

SCIPA – Etude de mobilité

Prilly, Suisse

Infrastructure opportunities and support

Planning and implementing major infrastructure interventions such as new roads or public transport projects are not limited to designing the infrastructure itself; rather, these projects offer an opportunity to take an in-depth look at larger transport networks or even regional-scale development. Infrastructure is seldom a final goal, but a means of realising additional opportunities

.To this end, we:

  • pay careful attention to the entire, multi-modal environment within which the infrastructure is sited
  • translate corer principles and strategies into concrete outcomes (for all modes of transport)
  • skilfully implement these mobility measures.
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