
The organizational chart of the TRANSITEC group is presented below. The group is managed at three different levels, working together seamlessly:

  • The board of directors is responsible for the definition of strategic orientations and controlling activities. It is composed of the company's managers as well as independent personalities selected for their confirmed and complementary expertise.
  • The general management is the highest executive body in charge of coordination and development, as well as the main support functions
  • Country directors, managing operations at the country and office levels
  • For each mission, a specific project team is set up, led by a project manager and under the responsibility and supervision of one of the firm's directors.

Transitec complies with robust quality management practices, applied systemically across the group and exemplified by our parent company’s ISO 9001 (2015) certification.

Three other certifications demonstrate our capabilities to achieve sustainable performance, while staying true to our strong ESG commitments:

  • ISO 14001 (2015), Environmental Management System
  • ISO 9004 (2018), Quality Management to achieve sustained success
  • Entreprise CitoyenneTM (Corporate Citizen)

 Logos ISO

Executive Management and the Board of Directors

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Organisation des marchés

Le Directeur Général des Opérations, Christophe Diani, est responsable de gérer et de développer la production, la prospection, les partenariats ainsi que la présence de Transitec sur l’ensemble de ses marchés. Il délègue une grande partie de ses responsabilités exécutives à des directions des opérations sur des périmètres géographiques bien délimités :

  • la direction des opérations suisses, dont le périmètre de délégation coïncide avec celui de la Confédération helvétique ;
  • la direction des opérations France/Belgique (y.c. DOM-TOM et Luxembourg) ;
  • la direction des opérations internationales, dont le périmètre couvre le reste du globe.

 Ces directions, par souci permanent de proximité et de réactivité, s’appuient sur les responsables territoriaux repris ci-dessous :

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