Public space and road safety

Coveted by a variety of users, public space has been shaped by mobility needs, and in particular by the needs of automobiles. Today, the urban quality of public space is at the top of the agenda: how much of it is dedicated to mobility, and what is the right balance between different modes of transport?

TRANSITEC has always considered that mobility and public space should be considered in an integrated way, through an approach that is both technical and sensitive to the needs of all users. It is only by doing so that all stakeholders will see the benefits and adhere to the measures that are proposed.

Traffic planning

Organising the way in which private vehicles move in a city or urban area is not an end in itself, but a way in which to:

  • limit traffic impact in sensitive zones
  • make the best use of the space allocated to private vehicles, to promote better-quality public spaces and alternative modes

TRANSITEC is an expert in this field, as our work in Casablanca (Morocco), Sfax (Tunisia), Grenoble and Saint-Etienne shows.

As with all our work, we focus on multi-modality, and are committed to reaching consensus through transparent communication. We always take into account the impact of ITS interventions on traffic, and are careful to plan for and communicate these eventualities or possibilities.

Reclassification of public spaces

Safer and friendlier public spaces can often be achieved through re-organising traffic flow and movement patterns. Mobility is important, of course, but it is not the only purpose for which public spaces and streets are used.

This is why TRANSITEC adopts a multi-disciplinary approach to planning public space, collaborating with urban planners, landscapers, social and behavioural scientists, and infrastructure engineers.

It is with the help of such interdisciplinary teams that we are able to answer some of these frequently asked questions: should modes of transport be separate or should they share the public space? What innovative solutions could lead to projects that are both attractive and economically viable? And, on what level should impact be managed?

Traffic calming

Residents and their elected representatives often desire to reduce and to calm the traffic on the roadways and within their neighbourhoods, as well as on school routes or in the town centres .

TRANSITEC can assist in making these desires a reality.

After measuring traffic volume and speed, we will be able to facilitate a greater understanding of the precise nature of community needs, suggest the most appropriate interventions (such as reduced road speeds and pedestrianisation), and evaluate the impact in the field.

Road safety

Road safety has improved dramatically over the years for all users (pedestrians, cyclists, passengers and drivers), thanks to a continuing effort to improve infrastructure and change behaviour. Nevertheless, continuous improvement in roadway network safety is necessary.

TRANSITEC has experience particularly in designing safer intersections and pedestrian crossings.

Many of our team members are specialists trained in safety (VSS safety audits in Switzerland, for example). In addition, we are well versed in the tools and technology (such as cameras and video technology) used to conduct in-depth road safety analyses and make decisions regarding the most appropriate interventions.

Roadway and highway design

The design of a new roadway section is a complex and demanding task, as it must meet several goals:

  • integration within the landscape or city
  • effective use of the substantial investment of public funds
  • minimal environmental impact.

TRANSITEC has extensive know-how in network development projects, including the highly demanding technical requirements (safety, geometry, capacity, real-time information) inherent in this work area.

We always search for the appropriate balance between safety, capacity, user-friendliness, and integration, whether these roadway design projects are new intersections, new segments, or others, in urban or suburban environments.

Verkerstechnischer Bericht – Generelles Projekt Anschluss Orpund

Verkerstechnischer Bericht – Generelles Projekt Anschluss Orpund

Umfahrung Biel/Bienne – Ostast, Suisse

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