
Parking policy and management have historically been at the core of TRANSITEC's business. They play a key role in translating a mobility policy into concrete actions and in encouraging the evolution of mode shares towards more sustainable practices. Parking also consumes vast amounts of valuable space in the urban environment.

Our firm has developed its own methodology, based on a pedagogical, technical, and multimodal approach. This ensures that all actors develop a sense of ownership for this complex and often sensitive subject. Any increase in the supply of parking space needs to be carefully weighted considering its cost and the difficulties in management that it entails.

Public parking policy

Due to its financial impact and its effect on behaviour in public spaces, public parking is key to any urban policy. TRANSITEC takes a broad approach to parking planning, seeing it as a vehicle for enhancing urban quality. Our approach involves:

  • undertaking quantified and qualified analyses of current and future parking practices
  • drafting list of objectives for each type of parking user
  • studying scenarios that include the notions of both volume and management
  • defining concrete action plans (including the definition of operating systems and a legal framework)
  • providing a costing model for proposed parking intervention or systems
assisting all users make the transition to the new intervention or system.

TRANSITEC has developed its own parking modelling application, TICPARC, after extensive testing and trialling among co-workers and clients.

Sizing and management of private parking

Parking requirements are an important element in the design, financing and decision-making mix of a new project. A typology of future parking users and their mobility needs (volumes, temporality) needs to be taken into account, as well as the quality of other car-competitive service, which may reduce parking requirements.

TRANSITEC has drafted many parking management plans, and has found that two factors are key:

  • how sizing is affected by hypotheses
  • how the facility will be shared over time.

We evaluate parking needs as closely as possible and account for potential changes in supply over time, based on the identified needs.

Parking area development

In addition to sizing and planning a parking facility, TRANSITEC is able to oversee the design and development of such a project.

To do so, TRANSITEC works with specialist engineers and technicians who have many successful projects behind them.

TRANSITEC uses AutoCAD software and its associated modules (AutoTURN) to provide precise renderings that include all the functional aspects of a parking area.

Réaménagement de parking souterrain

Réaménagement de parking souterrain

Paudex, Suisse

Park and Ride

The success of a ‘Park and Ride’ depends on a number of factors, including its location (upstream from congestion points), comfortable multimodal access, and a public transport service that is car-competitive.

When working on ‘Park and Ride’ projects, TRANSITEC strives to:

  • place multimodality at the heart of the hub and ensure multiple access points
  • ensure that the facility is scalable (and include technologies that gather user data)
  • use ITS to determine parking requirements and provide real-time feedback
  • identify services and other requirements necessary for the development.
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