Multimodal access

Organizing access to a site for a variety of modes is one of the most concrete translations of a mobility policy. TRANSITEC assist its clients and partners in:

  • defining supply (based on existing infrastructure and services) and managing demand
  • organizing the movement of people and goods
  • in existing or projected sites
  • for temporary or permanent situations

Public access

When private vehicles were the most favoured mode in cities, precinct or access planning involved drawing up a traffic plan, assessing the roadway network capacity, and drafting a parking policy. Today, it is essential to plan for safe access for all modes.

TRANSITEC’s approach to public access includes:

  • needs analysis and status-quo assessment
  • taking into account the full urban context of the existing or planned site
  • the promotion of car-alternatives through concrete/practical solutions
  • aligning and sizing the roadway and parking network taking into account existing infrastructure, the desired mode share, as well as shared transport options and active mobility.

The eco-district

Sustainable mobility must be at the heart of the eco-district approach. This requires a ‘bias’ toward sustainable modes and the limiting of private car ownership and use. These tactics could include:

  • car-competitive public transport services
  • comfortable and safe active mobility links
  • shared parking management
  • urban design that promotes eco-modes.

Eco-district design highlights the complexities of ‘sustainable development’, which involves more than just technical interventions, such as significant behavioural change interventions too. TRANSITEC is experienced in both of these crucial aspects of sustainable planning.

Employee trip reduction and mobility management

TRANSITEC has worked on employee trip reduction programmes or Travel Demand Management plans for companies and organisations since the early 2000s.

Since then, our office has acquired a substantial number of such projects:

  • with various types of organisations, from 50 to 12 000 employees
  • each organisation has a unique context, with its own constraints and challenges.

We therefore offer a unique approach to each customer. Based on our proven experience and thorough understanding of work-related mobility issues, we know that the ‘cut and paste’ approach does not work. Instead, we work with stakeholders to develop consensus and work toward a shared, multi-modal vision.


Extension "Clos-Béguin 6" – Diagnostic et Plan de mobilité

St-Légier - La Chiésaz, Suisse

Tourist mobility and major events

Planning transport for major events (such as sports matches, concerts, and exhibitions) and tourist sites has become a niche knowledge area in the last decade, and TRANSITEC has acquired significant experience in this regard.

To this end, we are able to offer:

  • an objective assessment of the anticipated quantitative and temporal changes in traffic flow when compared to ‘normal’ circumstances
  • multi-modal solutions that are based on current and planned services, with complementary temporary measures that are cost-effective, convenient to operate, and in line with safety standards
Particular attention is paid to communication and user-information plans.

Modal shift away from roads

Proper management of goods movement is essential from both an economic and environmental point of view. Freight movement should have limited impact on roads and regional/urban quality, thus we encourage a shift away from road freight, within operating and stakeholder constraints.

TRANSITEC has found that efficient goods movement and delivery processes can be facilitated by:

  • understanding the constraints on transporters and customers
  • modelling the impact and change levers, then using the evidence-base to promote a shift from road freight to other modes, for appropriate commodities
  • working within the roadway hierarchy
  • calculating the cost-saving potential for each commodity and alternative mode.
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