Governance and financing

As a consultancy firm specialized in transport and mobility, TRANSITEC perfectly masters the technicalities of engineering. These technical skills are necessary, but not sufficient in themselves.

Any transport system is part of a specific political, institutional, and financial context that is decisive for its evolution and therefore needs to be fully accounted for – from the problem identification stage to the definition of solutions. Experience shows that institutional and financial dimensions are often key factors in the success or failure of transport projects or policies.

Based on a long experience in a variety of countries, TRANSITEC has developed specific skills in this area to better advise public decision-makers.

Public policy and monitoring

As an independent expert, TRANSITEC frequently provides support to decision-makers as they prepare public policies, sector strategies and monitoring tools that aim to develop sustainable and/or efficient and effective mobility systems and an accessible and resilient region.

We offer such technical expertise, institutional knowledge, and extensive experience in stakeholder engagement and public communication to national, regional or local governments, as well as to international financial institutions, discussion groups and apolitical think tanks.

Recently, for example, we gave input to national policy makers in Africa on their work promoting sustainable urban travel and supporting its implementation, by preparing a report for the Africa Transport Policy Program proposing concrete steps to improve urban mobility in urban areas in Africa. (link to ssatp website :

Audits and institutional measures

The way in which urban mobility systems are governed is key to their sustainability, yet governance is made particularly complex by its location at the intersection of political, territorial, technical, and administrative interests. In every country in which TRANSITEC has worked, we have been confronted with diverse institutional environments, based on very different realities and dynamics. These experiences have contributed significantly to our skills-set and global outlook, as we have:

  • received feedback and insights at both regional and international level
  • been able to observe sensitivities around governance issues and make instructive comparative analyses

As an independent expert, TRANSITEC frequently audits and/or reviews the institutional capacity of organisations that plan, design or operate various transport systems.

For example, recently we undertook an institutional audit of the main transport authority in Senegal, and designed a capacity building for a large road and traffic management authority.

Transport financing and fares

Sustainable and secure financing is key to designing long-lasting or major transport interventions, which is why we try to include this element as early as possible in any project cycle, and frequently design financing mechanisms that will ensure the long-term viability of a mobility system.

Two project examples include the institutional and financial arrangements for a bus project in Morocco; and a comparative study of fare policies for the Greater Geneva, an urban area with a population of about one million.

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