Active modes

Walking and cycling have not always been given enough attention in mobility policies. Consistent measures are needed to promote, plan for, and optimize infrastructures dedicated to these modes.

TRANSITEC has a vast experience in this field and is well-positioned to advise its clients in the implementation of concrete action plans and accompanying measures.


Although it is a popular mode and its potential has not been fully exploited, walking has long been neglected in urban transport policies.

Proper pedestrian planning requires more than simply being aware of the technical specifications for pedestrian infrastructure. Engineers and planners need to take the entire trip context into account, including the urban design, the quality of the public space, landscaping, as well as social and behavioural factors.

TRANSITEC can offer invaluable assistance in pedestrian planning, including:

  • planning a network of pedestrian paths
  • designing facilities and equipment (both design principles and design details)
  • conducting safety audits for pathways and crossings
  • optimising traffic lights at intersections
  • promoting walking and raising awareness of this mode.


Cycling as a mode of transport is an obvious choice: not only is it good for the environment and individual health, but it is an efficient, flexible and cheap mode. Promoting the role of bicycles in the urban transport mix is key to our work. TRANSITEC is able to:

  • draft bicycle development policies
  • draw up network and master plans
  • design dedicated facilities
  • design and plan self-service public bicycle systems
  • investigate new technologies and tools (such as electric bikes).

Thanks to our broad expertise in both development and operations, TRANSITEC can design bicycle interventions that are integrated with other modes of transport.

Projet de liaison en faveur des modes doux le long du viaduc CFF

Projet de liaison en faveur des modes doux le long du viaduc CFF

Commune de Boudry – Plateau de Perreux, Suisse

Universal Access

It is essential that all transport infrastructure is accessible to people with mobility challenges – particularly as the population is aging. Universal Access (UA) regulations (such as the LHand law regarding inequity and disability, enacted in 2002 in Switzerland, or the 2005 law concerning disability in France) make certain transport infrastructure interventions obligatory.

TRANSITEC has the skills and capacity to oversee UA design and implementation, which includes:

  • planning accessibility measures
  • implementing UA facilities
  • reaching consensus and working with stakeholders.
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