What management model for bus terminals in African cities?

The Transitec - Nodalis consortium has been selected by the SSATP to study management models for bus terminals in African cities. Acting as hubs for paratransit networks, these bus terminals will play a major role in modernising transport.

The Transitec - Nodalis consortium has been selected by the SSATP to study urban bus station management models in African cities. In partnership with the Association of African Urban Mobility Authorities (AUMA), four cities have been selected to study bus terminals in their territory: Dakar (Senegal), Maputo (Mozambique), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) and Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire).

Bus terminals are at the heart of urban transport networks in Africa. They vary in size depending on their role in the transport system, and rarely have a sophisticated management system. Based on meticulous data collection to gain a better understanding of how transport services operate and the commercial activities that clump together around these stations, the group will propose a typology of stations. It will then propose guidelines for setting up economic models that will optimise station management on the one hand, but also contribute to the professionalisation of paratransit systems on the other.
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