MOOC Integrating land use and mobility planning for sustainable cities : registration now open!

This online training course has been designed by Transitec and Urbaplan as part of the African Cities Lab to enable urban professionals in Africa to master the tools and methods needed to meet the objectives of linking urban planning and mobility policies.

The course is structured into five chapters. Each chapter develops tools at different scales: from the metropolis to the street, from the commune to the neighborhood. A final, transversal chapter is made up of thematic webinars.

In each chapter, François Laurent (urbaplan) and Julien Allaire (Transitec) take it in turns to discuss themes linked to mobility and urban planning, highlighting the challenges of linking these two fields and the methods for achieving them.


The MOOC “Sustainable urbanization in Africa: tools and methods for articulating urban planning and mobility strategies” is aimed at urban development and mobility practitioners in Africa. It is based on the multiple, and often shared, experiences of two consultancies, urbaplan and Transitec, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and the Maghreb.

In an era of climate disruption and ever more vigorous urbanization in Africa, with urban challenges that are multiplying and becoming more complex, we present you with tools and methods to meet these challenges.

Objectifs d'apprentissage

The objectives of this MOOC are to enable you to:

  • Understand the challenges of urban development in Africa
  • Learn about urban planning tools
  • Address current urban problems at all scales of the city
  • Understand the integrated nature of urban and mobility planning
  • Master intelligent and innovative tools adapted to your territory’s policies.

    Un MOOC de l'African Cities Lab

    This MOOC was designed and run by Transitec and Urbaplan Urbaplan in partnership with the African Cities Lab, African Cities Lab, an e-learning platform available in French and English. The initiative, which brings together EPFL, University of Captown, University of Rwanda, Sèmè City, University Mohamed VI Polytechnic, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology et University of Carthage and funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). Its aim is to provide all those involved in urban construction, development and operation with access to high-quality education on sustainable urbanisation to meet the challenges facing African cities in 2050.


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