The city of Gaborone was planned in the 1960s for approximately 25 000 inhabitants. Today, it accommodates ten times this population. As urban growth continues, active modes are in decline, while motorized modes of transport are gradually taking over. In a bid to reverse this trend, Botswanan authorities have appointed Transitec to prepare conceptual designs for measures aimed at improving the city's walkability.
Existing road infrastructure in Gaborone is largely car-oriented, with ample road space, wide intersections, and an abundance of free parking. This project aims to give pedestrians a more important place in the use of public space, by making their movement safe, convenient, and comfortable.
Three areas have been identified as key generators of pedestrian flows: the Bus Rank, the Main Mall, and the new CBD. Conceptual designs developed by Transitec seek to improve connectivity between and within these areas. Proposed measures include the construction of at-grade pedestrian crossings of roads and rail tracks, widening of existing sidewalks, and improvements to lighting and shading on the main pedestrian corridors.
This project is financed by the Korean Green Growth Trust Fund, and administered by the World Bank.