How does the Sousse SUMP fit in with Tunisia's commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?

A workshop on the assessment of the climate impact of the implementation of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of Greater Sousse was held on Wednesday 25th January 2023, in Sousse in the framework of a technical assistance of the EuroMed TSP project and in partnership with MobiliseYourCity.

This workshop, which is part of the continuity of the work carried out within the framework of the Integrated Urban Development Plan, made it possible to bring together various actors of the Greater Sousse area, in particularly: the municipalities of Greater Sousse, the Governorate of Sousse, the Regional Directorate of Transport, the Regional Directorate of the Environment, the Sahel Transport Company, the Taxi Union Chamber, the National Agency for Energy Management, teachers and academics from the Faculty of Economics and Management of Sousse, etc.

Moderated by Julien Allaire and Emilie Ball, this workshop included presentations by:

· Fathia Neji from the Ministry of Transport who presented the National Urban Mobility Policy (NUMP)

· Hanen Fertani, project manager at Transitec, who presented the Urban Mobility Plan (UMP) of Greater Sousse.

· Vincent Larondelle who presented the greenhouse gas emissions assessment tool developed by the MobiliseYourCity programme

These various presentations helped to raise the awareness of the participants on climate issues related to urban mobility and to show the coherence between Tunisia's climate international commitments, the national policy (NUMP) supported by the Ministry of Transport and the SUMP carried out by the city of Sousse in partnership with the other municipalities of the agglomeration.

Based on an analysis conducted with the MobiliseYourCity tool of the GHG emissions generated according to the "Business as Usual" scenario and the "SUMP: metropolis of proximities" scenario, the participants were able to identify the climate impact of the actions associated with Greater Sousse SUMP.

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