The Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP) has put online policy papers and diagnostic reports produced by Transitec and its partners - ODA, Nodalis and Eco-Access - as part of projects carried out in 2018, in eight countries (Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda and Senegal); then in 2019, in four countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali and Togo).
This program aims to prompt a change in thinking about accessibility and mobility, and to raise awareness among decision-makers so that they will implement strong policies, strategies and operational practices that make an effective contribution to improving transport and mobility in urban areas of Africa.
It implements the guidelines of the SSATP conceptual framework resulting from work previously carried out by Transitec, published in November 2016 with the report entitled "Policies for Sustainable Accessibility and Mobility in Urban Areas of Africa". This paper describes an approach called the "EASI conceptual framework,” which comprises a set of specific policy actions grouped in four categories: Enable, Avoid, Shift, Improve. The paper proposes specific measures that could be adopted by African cities in each of these categories.
For each country, a diagnosis was established with regard to the situation of the capital city and of a secondary city. It gave rise to the formulation of recommendations which were enriched during National Urban Mobility Forums which each brought together between 50 and 100 people. For the activities carried out in 2019, a national urban mobility strategy was also drafted to provide an operational framework for these recommendations.
To access to the national reports: available here